Weight Loss Hypnosis for Lightening Up!
Weight loss pros have told me summertime is the most difficult time of the year for maintaining your weight or losing extra...
Winter Weight Be Gone!
Shedding our winter coats here in Milford, Connecticut because spring is in the air! Shedding spring jackets, light sweaters, long pants, long...
How Do Hypnosis Sessions Help Me?
You may be thinking nothing else has worked so you’re considering checking out a hypnosis session to see if that works. Of...
Tapping World Summit 2022
Do you want to create some feel better changes in your life? Whether you want to put down old baggage that’s weighing...
This Thing Called “Forgiveness”
What does forgiveness mean to you? As I was working with a hypnosis client yesterday she repeatedly said that she thought her...
Hypnotherapy Works!
Hypnotherapy works when you’re taught how to work it! It took me 6 months to overcome all of my fears and technical...