Hypnosis works just as effectively if we have connected via Skype hypnosis or in my private professional office with the big comfy commercial …
Does Hypnosis Help Anxiety?
Voicemail Messages It was a typical voicemail message kind of a day. Someone left a voicemail message asking what the cost is to Quit …
Hypnosis for Fear of Public Speaking
Tis the Season! Here in CT we are in the heat of the summer season. The temperatures have been in the 80’s and the humidity has been in the …
A Grateful Life – Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
I am always looking for the Evidence. I need to know that something Is Working. Especially when it comes to getting results with my …
A Place Called Heaven
It’s still hard to believe my father passed away 10 years ago on July 13, 2008. Our lives have never been the same. When I say our lives …
EFT (aka Tapping) – Emotional FREEDOM Techniques
Yes, there’s supposed to be an “s” on Techniques because there are multiple techniques we use with this modality which is also known as …