Hypnosis is your imagination taking you everywhere you want to go!
Albert Einstein said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
We have powerful imaginations. It’s true, although some people tell me they don’t have a good imagination. Really? I inquire, “How do you know you don’t have a good imagination?”
Some people have told me, “I’m always thinking about the worst thing that can happen and I feel so stressed and afraid to even do anything. That’s how I know I don’t have a good imagination.”
And I tell them, “That’s the evidence that you do have a good imagination. You are very good with “thinking” about a possible scenario that is not actually happening and that is imagining it. You are making up a story and seeing it unfold like a movie in your mind. And because it’s a fear filled movie that you are directing in your mind, you feel stressed and afraid.
Words are the language of the brain. Feelings are the language of the body. Words have associated feelings.
You have loaded yourself with stress hormones just from your imagination. Your heart may be racing or beating faster than normal. You may feel a little sweaty. You may feel triggered to go do whatever it is that you “use” to distract yourself. Some people use food. Some people use cigarettes. Some people use alcohol. The “use to distract” list is endless.
All the “using” in world isn’t going to make your problems go away. You may feel better for a couple of minutes, but then you feel awful for hours after you’ve stuffed yourself with food, smoked over 7,000 chemicals in your cigarettes, and have the intoxicated effects of alcohol, or whatever you chose to “use”.
Let’s back up this imagination thing back to the beginning of, “I’m always thinking about the worst thing that can happen and I feel so stressed and so afraid to even do anything.”
Imagine the opposite of the worst thing. This can be a little challenging to “imagine”. So, begin to ask yourself some questions like; what would be the best outcome? What are some possible outcomes?
A common example is wanting to ask your employer for a pay increase. The worst outcome? She says, no. The best outcome? The two of you negotiate a fair amount. A possible outcome, she suggests doing a review of your responsibilities, how well you accomplish them, and how many hours you are actually working and presently being paid for.
You win either way because you chose to mind your mind by imagining something better. You chose to take your body back as opposed to being hijacked by the hormones of stress. And what if you even chose to not use the thing that you use to distract yourself? Victory!!!
Every time we overcome ourselves we can celebrate the sweet victory of “I did it!”.
It really is who we become in the process. We become more confident in handling ourselves. We become more encouraged because we put courage in ourselves. We become stronger because we worked our muscles.
You know, move a muscle, change a thought, change a thought and you change your life.
They say, all hypnosis is self hypnosis and they say it’s all in your head. I still don’t know who “they” are, but what I do know for sure is, our imagination is all about what we are telling ourselves and our imagination is in our head.
My father was well loved and respected by the young volunteer firefighters where he served for over 50 years. He was quite a character. I’m sure many of them would laugh as we can recall my father’s often shared words of wisdom, “Use your head!”
I imagine my father is smiling from a place I call “heaven” as I have taken his advice in using my head and helping others to better use theirs.
You don’t have to go it alone…
Call me (Joann Dunsing) @ 203-907-7710 for your complimentary phone conversation. Or click the button below. I ususally respond within 24 hours.