Let’s face it. America is in the middle of an obesity crisis. In spite of all the Low Fat Foods, Fitness Centers, diet pills (as advertised on TV), diet soda, and government food pyramid diagrams, more and more Americans are overweight, diabetic, sick and tired.
All the hype and fad diets, liposuction, plastic surgery and stomach stapling operations do nothing to change the real problems. All those expensive solutions do is deal with symptoms.
Can Hypnosis help you lose weight and get fit once and for all?
One of the challenges of changing eating habits and exercise habits is that we run into resistance from our unconscious minds.

Imagine an elephant, huge, powerful, extremely intelligent. Now picture the elephant trainer. tiny and weak in comparison. If the elephant trainer (your conscious mind or will power) wants the elephant to stop eating too many peanuts but the elephant (your unconscious mind or imagination) wants the peanuts, the elephant is gonna eat the peanuts. Just try to stop it.
Does that make sense?

Imagine someone puts a beautiful piece of rich, moist chocolate cake in front of you. But you’ve just started yet another diet. You are already feeling stressed and deprived. It’s like the cake is calling your name…. your conscious mind says, “No!” but your unconscious mind says, “YES! GIMME, GIMME. I WANT IT NOW! GIVE…. IT…. TO …. ME ….. N.O.W.!” (sound effect of Elephant trumpeting LOUDLY)
You know what’s going to happen. You are going to eat that cake. Later you’ll beat yourself up for it. Or just figure it’s hopeless and you might as well just eat all the crap you’ve tried to stop eating. What’s the use?
Am I close?
But what if your unconscious mind was actually on your side and helping you to change your food choices? What if instead of having to fight with your unconscious mind, your unconscious mind was craving healthy green veggies?
What if the mere thought of cake repulsed you? Or the very picture of cake or any other food that you used to be addicted to, caused you to shift your focus to health and healthy life choices?
Without you having to “Will” yourself there.

What if you were pre-programmed to make healthy food and beverage choices that led you easily down the path you know would support you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually?
If you can imagine what that might be like, you’ve just experienced the first step in making the changes you want with hypnosis.
Hypnosis works for weight loss because it works with your unconscious mind, where all your cravings and emotions are generated from in the first place. Hypnosis can help you to soothe the rough areas in your emotional life that you are using food to soothe now. If you don’t need food to self medicate it stops being an addiction.
But understanding your unconscious mind and how to communicate with this powerful aspect of you, is the key to long term success in any change you desire to make.
Have questions about how I can help you to make the changes you want in your life more easily? I’m always happy to chat for a minute to answer your questions by phone or email.
Joann Dunsing, Milford CT Hypnotist contact information
or feel free to use the handy form below and I’ll contact you.