One of the challenges facing you if you are considering using hypnosis to stop smoking in CT is to find a competent hypnotist or hypnotherapist who can give you the kind of expertise and support you need to break the habit for good.
In my experience as a trainer of Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (an advanced form of hypnosis), I’ve encountered a number of hypnotists who I would absolutely trust with any of my own personal issues or any family member. I’ve also met a few who I would prefer not to work with.
Ultimately the most important criteria is whether you feel comfortable with the hypnotist or not.
Here’s what to avoid:
I met a hypnotist at a business networking meeting many years ago who may have known a bit about hypnosis but he had never really learned how to be a compassionate, caring, supportive person. To put it mildly, he alienated almost everyone else in the networking group. Rapidly. He wasn’t creepy. He was just arrogant and obnoxious. I wouldn’t recommend him. Ever.
Here’s What to Look For:
You want a stop smoking hypnotist in CT who is –
a. Well trained
b. Experienced
c. Someone you can feel comfortable working with
You might want to check out their website and really read what they have written there. Actually read the testimonials. If they have none, you might want to ask for a personal reference.
Every hypnotist / hypnotherapist worth his or her salt will consent to a brief “get acquainted” chat on the phone. You can tell a lot by how someone presents themselves on the phone.
Interestingly enough, I’ve found that academically trained therapists who have added hypnosis to their practice tend to be a little less flexible and creative in their approach to hypnosis. The best students and ultimately the best practitioners who I’ve had the honor to be associated with are so passionate about hypnosis that they continually devour the latest research and books about hypnosis, they go to multiple trainings on hypnosis, they continually expand and stretch themselves as hypnosis practitioners as well as individuals.
And not because they have to for some requirement. They continually learn and improve because they love it.
In my opinion the best question to ask a hypnosis practitioner is this:
“What got you interested in hypnosis and what made you decide to practice hypnosis professionally?”
The answer to this question is more important than all the trainings and courses they’ve taken, all the certifications hanging on their wall, all the academic degrees and letters after their name. Of course you want someone who is well trained. But give me someone who absolutely loves hypnosis and uses it in their own life or has their own story of how hypnosis enabled them to transform their lives. That’s who I want working with me.
If you are looking for someone who practices hypnosis in CT to help you stop smoking check out Joann Dunsing. Her office is in Milford, CT which is convenient and accessible to pretty much the whole state of Connecticut.
I’ve known her for 4 years and she meets all my criteria for excellence.
She is well trained (she is one of my advanced NLP students in addition to her training through the National Guild of Hypnotists) and is deeply caring and passionate about her work. She lives and breathes hypnosis and has used hypnosis in her own life to make it through some pretty tough times (which we all know about as humans). Having used hypnosis myself to move successfully through some deep personal and professional challenges I can honestly say that it has made me a better practitioner. This is a key point. You want to work with a hypnosis practitioner who actually uses hypnosis in his or her life. It seems obvious but you would be surprised.
Again, that’s what you want. You want a practitioner who walks their talk. If you are considering using hypnosis to stop smoking and you’re in CT, Joann Dunsing is someone you definitely want to give a call.
Joann Dunsing Hypnosis, Milford CT 203-907-7710
Give her a call today or use the handy contact form below and she’ll contact you.
– Mark Shepard, NLPT, Master Practitioner and Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP, Time Line Therapy(tm), Albany NY