Welcome to Part 2 of 3. In this show Ron and I picked up where we left off in the first show with his challenge for me to create an A-Z list of reasons why people come to see me as a certified hypnotist. Just in case you missed Part 1, here’s the link to the blog post and video.
The challenge of the A-Z list proved to be fun and very thought provoking for me. It brought to light the many diverse ways hypnosis helps people to move through their challenges to rediscover or to be re-minded of their potential. In this show of Part 2 we covered using hypnosis for the letters B for breakup, C for cigarettes, D for driving fears, E for ears regarding tinnitus, F for all types of fear, J for jerks (this may surprise you), and K for kinder. To really bring it to life I talk about real life clients and their experiences with actual hypnosis sessions.
Come on now and jump into Part 2 with us!
The letters that we covered in Part 2 of my A-Z list demonstrates how versatile hypnosis is as a tool for our well-being. From the heartache and wisdom gained from a breakup to choosing to be kinder to oneself and others just because it makes us feel better and when we feel better, we do better.
I like to say, hypnosis is an inside job, because that is where we tap into our inner resources for clarity and growth. Whatever you may have on your A-Z list, consider hypnosis has worked for the clients I mentioned in the show, and it can work for you too!
You don’t have to go it alone…
Call me (Joann Dunsing) @ 203-907-7710 for your complimentary phone conversation. Or click the button below. I usually respond within 24 hours.