Dr. Oz interviews Hypnotist Paul McKenna about hypnosis for weight loss.
This particular episode describes McKenna’s “hypnotic gastric bypass” technique. The women demonstration subjects report feeling full after eating only 25% of the amount of food they usually consume. In the course of only 5 days each woman lost several pounds. One as much as 7 pounds.
One of the key insights that Paul McKenna shared in one of the other Dr. Oz episodes was that “overweight people think about food all day long except when they are actually eating it.”
I’ve heard this myself when working with weight loss clients. I have been told they obsess about food all day but then when they start to eat or snack they literally go into a trance state and have almost no memory of having eaten.
When the Cheetos are gone they suddenly wake up and look in the empty bag and almost feel like, “hey who ate all my Cheetos?”
That is a trance state. If they are self hypnotizing themselves to use food as self-medication then we can use hypnosis to stop that pattern and program better, healthier, more sustainable eating habits.
Learn more about how you can benefit from Hypnosis to lose weight, melt away the inches and stop the deprivation, stop the binge eating, stop the diet roller-coaster.
Call me at 203-907-7710 or email me at JoannDunsing [at] Gmail.com or use the form below.
Joann Dunsing, Milford Connecticut Hypnotist