CT Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner, EFT Tapping Specialist
It’s time to lighten up and enjoy weight loss with hypnosis in a supportive group environment at Foran High School, Milford CT, through Milford Adult Ed.
The group dynamics are a time to share your struggles (only if you want to) and your victories (only if you want to) and to encourage one another on the ups and downs of the real life journey with weight.
The 4 classes are very experiential as we explore different techniques to stop cravings, instantly make yourself feel better and to give yourself permission to lighten up on the inside and the outside.
Weight loss begins mentally, then emotionally, then physically as you notice your clothes fitting a little loser!
After each class I will send an email for you to use for your personal reinforcement. The email will have the tools we used and a different hypnosis recording each week for weight loss/better relationship with food.
Weight Loss Hypnosis
Classes meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Residence $61, Milford Senior Citizens $51, Non-Residence $71
You can register online with Milford Adult Ed at https://www.milforded.org/page/adult-education or you can mail a check and the registration form on the inside back cover of the catalog.